Numbers are fascinating. It can add value when you put them in a report, a table, a review, a result. And all the numbers bring the question: What do the numbers mean?
Possibilities are everywhere in the universe. We are literally living in it. They are mostly unstable and unpredictable unless they are in a certain concept as for example a math question. So, some people find it magical. Because it makes them think and make them get lost in it. The satisfaction when you get the result by solving the equation is incredible.
Though they seem quite predictable, it doesn't necessarily need to be like that all the time. For example, when you consider them in the economy, it is a larger concept. A wider concept with more values, bring more variable into the equations and make them more difficult than a simple case. Because this time, there are several uncertain entities which make them less likely predictable. But guess what? This makes them more worthy for many. Because once you get skilful to solve the part of the equations, you take a step further to understand the other parts as well.
This puzzle-like game is full of mystery. That is what traps us inside. We want to go for it to earn a big reward. Because you know not many others get that, the result is even more valuable now. In order to satisfy this haunting feeling, we've created games in history. Like poker, blackjack and other card games that require some factors like luck and mathematics to win the bet. When you think that there is no precise win solution for it, makes you addict in time.
You don't have to play these games to curb your enthusiasm. A whole stock market is a tailor-made option for you. It is highly unpredictable: you need some luck, knowledge, patient, skill, capital and to follow the current market trend.
It is more tempting in many ways with its own style. Also, in a modern era, we are having more options that we can get into easier than ever. Cryptocurrency is one of them of course. But if you reach them easier, you can lose easier too rather than earning. So always gotta be patient, cautious and frugal. Unless you think you know what you are doing, then who am I to judge.
Just give yourself a break from time to time to relax instead of getting addicted to it.