Gaius Julius Caesar, who was the leader and general of the Roman Empire had to be careful about his messages. Especially about the ones which contain top-secret messages. Maybe an order to attack, a command to gather in a specific time and place etc. In order to write these messages, he chose to encrypt them with a proper system.
The system is called "Caesar Cipher". It is actually straightforward and uncomplicated, of course, once you find out what it is. To make it encrypted, he used a shifted system on the alphabet. He chose three shifted systems to write the letters. So what that means is, say, if you want to write the letter A, you should count three letters later on the alphabet. According to that, the new and encrypted letter we are looking for will be D. Say, if you want to write the letter K, then it has to be N. Of course this is a three shifted version of the encryption. If that would be seven shifted, then the letter A would be H. Also, the direction of the shift is important. The examples above are given for the right-shifted ones.
Cyberpunk is a theme for science-fiction and it is mostly a dystopian version of the environment and the lifestyle. The technology is definitely crucial and high quality while the living conditions are not so pleasant. Unless you'd like to prefer to have bionic limbs which could be useful and helpful or prefer to upload your mind into the computer/internet (and hope for a solid antivirus program)
No matter what is the condition, process, period or the reality of the world, knowledge is power; it is always a vital asset. Whether people lived during the Roman Empire era or a high-tech fictional world with a cyberpunk theme, it must be kept safe. Encryption is the keyword here to protect them.
Use the Caesar Cipher system to decipher the code in the comic. It is a three shifted system to the right side of the alphabet, just as Caesar used. What do you think Caesar said in this cyberpunk-themed world full of illegal work and people who want to hunt him down from behind?
" Hw wx Euxwh? "