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Consider the Consequences

Humanity loves to forget. Technology also helps us in this way. We reach information quickly, that is why we don't care about the important news, calculations, phone numbers, scientific facts. Because we know we can find them whenever we want.

The thing is, we don't want to. We don't care much. Thus, we forget yet we don't mind it at all most of the time.

However, even though memorizing the phone numbers might not be useful in any sense, some cases are important. We should be aware, open-minded, curious, sceptical to the information that we reach. Why do others care and why I should or shouldn't?

Once we do approach that news with a solid scepticism, we will research, read and learn more about it. Being informed about what affects our life is a must. Let's read and act. So, please; use your masks, keep your hygiene at maximum level and give a little bit more distance between you and the people. In the end, weren't you the one who says, "I don't like other people that much" anyway?



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