Unnecessary FourFlyersComics Facts
Here are, you can find some "worth to mention" facts about the website and the contents in it while I was creating it through this whole time.
- Homepage has been rehauled. Now you can slide the comics. If you miss the old style, you can still access them from the archive -
- Archive is (still) the best way to reach all comics at once -
- Wonder what is this website? You can take a quick glance to what is it all About -
- Do you have any question? Fill the form in the Contact page to deliver your message -
- Each new comics comes with its blog post in the bottom page of the website. So don't forget to read them. They are really short -
- Haven't used any color on original comics but you can check the colored versions by pressing the Color button on each comic page -
- Always used MS Paint to keep each comic page as simple and amateur looking as possible to relate the motto of the website -
- The paper plane symbolizes the new adventures -
- The first ever comic I don't use my precious stick human is (chronologically speaking) "Stolen Times" -
- In case you wonder what Caesar says in "Decipherpunk" comic, suggest you to check its blog post -